Crows are among the most sociable and intelligent birds. Their lifestyle represents the fact that they have a correct perception of living.
In Zoroastrianism, the crow is considered a symbol of the purification of various impurities. Besides, ancient Iranian beliefs, it was considered the messenger of the spirits of the ancestors.
Throughout history, the crow has always attracted the attention of humans. It has been described with characteristics such as message carriers, wisdom, perseverance, purity, strong memory, foresight, and problem-solving.
They show human behaviors such as lovemaking, a sense of humor, playfulness, and joyfulness.
It is said that humans have performed some fundamental behaviors in the imitation of these birds.
Admittedly, what attracted me to this creature are their awareness and their social life.
Crows mourn the death of their fellows. If one of them gets hurt, the others will not hesitate to help immediately. If a crow chick is in danger, a group will counter the predator.
It seems that awareness and consciousness as a group ensure the survival and freedom of these marvelous creatures.