Cancer, Saratān (arabic) or Changār (persian) are all different names for a disease that gives a sudden shock and fright not only to the affected person but also to the people around her/him. Yet, talking about it remains a kind of taboo topic in society. I accompanied my sister in our fight against the disease and whatever was burdening me or gave me hope I drew on papers that were nothing but a mystery for me. Doctors saw a tumor in medical images (sonographies), but I saw fear, I saw doubt, and I heard the scream of silence. The “Changār” collection is the result of this journey. I made the Installation “Hur Carpet” (Hur means marsh but also sun) with 2001 pieces of paper, which illustrates hope and overcoming the darkness.
The exhibition coincides with the international Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The pink color in the “Changār” collection also refers to the pink ribbon that is a symbol for raising awareness to this disease and showing solidarity with affected persons.