In the name of God
The works presented in the exhibition “A Role in the Path” although have benefited from the common techniques in the art of calligraphy painting but are significant in terms of combining with other arts and creating composite works. They have an obvious approach to modern space in addition to their approach to traditional space in the design of forms and colors. That’s why looking at them take the viewer into a bipolar orbit, contrary to popular belief that tradition and modernity are at odds with each other, they seek that find a connection between them, and in this way, they do not give up the induction of the concept and try to communicate with the viewer by using other arts and sciences such as graphics, calligraphy, color psychology, and different styles that not so common, in the best possible way.
Artists have tried to use their unique color palette. The forms and colors in order to induce the concept are such that even in spite of the apparent similarities, in the concept, completely different and draw the viewer to the answer questioningly.
The policy of the exhibition “A Role in the Path” is creating an approval relationship between tradition and modernity with an orientation conceptual art, using common techniques, and incorporation with the other arts.