Mohamad Ghaderian
Born in 1990
Holding a solo exhibition of Chapraast, the entrance of galleries Aknoon, Emrooz, Doran-e Moaser, Didar, Gozar-e Saadi, Gozaar, Matn 2020/3/10
Group exhibition of kindness frame painting, City Center Gallery, Isfahan 2021
Ghab-e Mehrabani Group Painting Exhibition, Baran Gallery, Yasuj 2021
Hemmat Aali Group Painting Exhibition, Baran Gallery, Yasuj 2021
Gah Va Negah Group Painting- Calligraphy Exhibition, Diba Gallery, Isfahan 2019
Group exhibition of Painting- Calligraphy, Aftab Gallery, Shahin shahr 2019
Group exhibition of Painting- Calligraphy, Naghsh Khane Gallery, Isfahan 2018
Master of Painting
Associate member of Isfahan Painters Association
Painter, calligrapher, art critic
Master’s thesis entitled ” Comparison of seating opportunities and developments in the Nastaliq Crucifix form (chalipa) from the Timurid to the Safavid Period ”
Scientific-research article entitled “A study of the use and manner of performing diagonal writing in the manuscripts of the seventh and eighth centuries AH (based on the manuscripts of the Malek National Library and Museum)” Negareh Magazine
Teaching art in schools to the adolescent age group from 2018 until now
Instagram: chapraast